Tiger Woods and John Mayer: "Waiting On The World"

"My d - - k is sort of like a white supremacist. I've got a Benetton heart and a fuckin' David Duke c - - k. I'm going to start dating separately from my d - - k."Trying to endear yourself to black women John? So Jennifer Anniston was your target because "Friends" did not have any black people on the show [except Aisha Tyler at the end]. Oops. Black woman. But don't worry, Aisha Tyler already has white penis in the house. Her husband (Jeff Tietjens) is white. Oh well, didn't have to scratch this Hollywood liberal to deeply to expose his true self.

Between John Mayer and Tiger Woods, a black woman does not have a chance (with them). My guess is that black women do not want anything to do with them either.
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